Find Universities You Deserve

Say goodbye to expensive consultants @ just ₹1990/-

We use our database of 400K+ MS in US results to build a report using machine learning algorithms. Fall 2023 results included!

Profile Evaluation Report

A detailed breakdown of your admission chances in 70+ universities. We leave no stones unturned and predict your chances for each of them using our database and algorithms.

See Hard Evidence

We back our predictions using solid evidence. Consultants use their past knowledge and get easily biased with the results they see. We get a complete picture using our database that covers various scores making our predictions much more accurate.

Know your sure shot admits

Students have told us that the very safe list relieves a lot of their tension as they can be confident of getting admits into those universities. A healthy mix of universities is critical to a successful season. They raise your moral a lot more than you think!

We are here for you

Your satisfaction with the report is our top priority. If you do not like the report, please reach out to us with a good reason and we will give you a full refund.

Some skepticism too

We also provide negative evidence for each university where profile like yours or better got a reject. This happens and we want to make sure you know what you should be concerned about.

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